There's a lot of times, in corporate world you will find people who are so twisted that they can't see the objective of a discussion held. They don't put an effort to listen, what more to comprehend. These type of people will crash the whole discussion session into a very dark area where people bashing, making a derogatory remark to others and verbally assault other people.
In digesting information and producing words, we need to be very conscientious to understand what is primarily required. This process of course require an effort and willingness to LISTEN. If you don't listen, you will not be able to preview the goal of the session held. You will become so twisted and it is very unfortunate to every attendees if you happen to be so participative and overwhelm in your circle of ideas.
You will become nothing but a chatty full of nonsense.
If you got that right, wise people said even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.
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