November 19, 2011

When life brings you down,
When the tears rolling down,
When the herein is killing you,
And when it is so hurt to look forward

HE is watching you with HIS greatest love and utmost care,
HE is waiting patiently for you to make a move forward and truly find HIM,
And HE is Oft-forgiving to help you rebuild life in HIS true journey

Because when it is dark enough, you can see the stars...

To my darling, I re-quoted this from Navaid Aziz :

"Pain and suffering only become negative if they cause a barrier between you and Allah.  They become positive when they bring you back to Allah.  It’s not that Allah wants to punish you, but rather it’s an invitation, a reminder for you to go back to Him." 

You have my prayers accompanied your journey.  STRONG -This is what you ought to be doing. 

Hugs -TE-

November 16, 2011

A blessing in trials that I don’t perceive

Approximately 11 years ago on the date 16 Nov, UPSR result was released and I got myself qualified for MRSM.  I was completely certain that I will become a qualified lawyer since then.  To devote myself for my country and my nation has been my lifetime goal.  Nothings changed ever since.  Looking back at those times, life route has changed its direction and there is actually a blessing in trials that I don’t perceive.

And today on the same date -16 Nov 2011, lifetime’s goal fulfilled at long last but in different path.  I couldn’t be more thankful, grateful and blessed for what Allah has granted me.  To think of it, HE knows better.  Abah has always said "do have faith in Allah in whatever you do and desist from putting faith in other sources.  Everything is in HIS hands."  Perhaps it is time for me to truly find HIM.  Doa emak and abah is a barakah. Parents, family, loyal friends, love, sisters, brothers, lovely country- what else could I ask for?

We cant’ fly before we can walk.

November 08, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird

A book that every adult should read before they die

Note: Not very much updated of late though, I'm afraid. Will be back with a review of the above-mentioned book soon.

November 06, 2011

If music be the food of love, play on 

William Shakespeare

November 02, 2011

You can’t fly before you can walk

My life is full of misery lately and am inciting pity.  The other night I was tired.  In fact, I was exhausted.  There has been a  feeling I’m running a race I can’t win.  On top of it, I felt helpless to being this way.  I am completely deprived of strength.  Miserable, I end up thinking I’ll never get to a point in my life where I get to do what I love and yes, true contentment and satisfaction ain't there. I am in dire need to meet someone who is in a worse predicament than I am, only if this can alleviate me from such feelings.  Ingratitude me.

Astaghfirullah, I am well aware that down and defeat are not just the calamities that strike us. But why is't so hard for me to understand the flow of life?  I may be tested by pain, or even pleasure.  I read notes by Navaid Aziz saying that "pain and suffering only become negative if they cause a barrier between you and Allah.  They become positive when they bring you back to Allah.  It’s not that Allah wants to punish you, but rather it’s an invitation, a reminder for you to go back to Him."

I will look down on myself with disdain if I were to deal with the pain by seeking the pity of others.  I shall open the eyes of the heart and look!  There is actually a blessing in trials that we don’t perceive.

Oh, remember I said that I'm in the position where to keep people updated about my private life and personal particular is definitely not my major interest? Yet, I have to admit writing makes it easier thus far. A sense of relief I tell ya.

Tuhan dosaku menggunung tinggi
Tapi taubatku tak ku tepati
Tuhan RahmatMU melangit luas
Namun sedikit sekali ku bersyukur…
Tiada daya untuk bertahan…hanya Engkau tempat berpegang..
Kau jagalah hati yang kadang redup..ditiup angin duniawi…
Gemerlap kilauan harta,takhta dan cinta manusia..yang menyesatkan…

"…maka Allah mengetahui apa yang ada di dalm hati mereka lalu menurunkan ketenangan atas mereka dan memberikan balasan kepada mereka dengan kemenangan yang dekat(waktunya)." (Al Fath:18)
You can’t fly before you can walk. Everything takes time and I will surely find my way. InshaAllah InshaAllah!